Working with our sister organizations Reach The Children and the Boys Choir of Kenya, we were able to create ongoing programs and make strong ties with influential individuals in Kenya working for the same cause with the same vision as Promethean Spark.
We have programs at Kamiti Prison (Youth Correctional Training Center) teaching life skills to the 17 to 22 year old inmates during the last 4 months preparing them to be admitted back into society. We also have had ongoing programs in Kahawa West, Soweto and Kibera slums. Many of our original Promethean Spark students are now enrolled in Secondary School, in trade schools, or have jobs.
Promethean Spark was the first international organization to teach the Boys Choir of Kenya under the newly established Musical Arts Academy of Nairobi and due to their vision, passion and unstoppable tenacity to help the youth of Kenya through the arts, the President of PS has been offered and accepted an appointment as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Musical Arts Academy of Nairobi.
Joseph Poche is currently the Promethean Spark Program Director in Kenya. The Board of Directors for our Community Based Organization (CBO) will include, John Mugubi (PhD), Jeff Sauke, Matrid Nyagah, Stephen Wekesa, Joseph Poche and Shaun Parry.